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a matricidal sodomidic cancer riddle

By Dan Basila

Directed by Josh Meyer and Matt Hislope

Music by Henna Chou and Josh Meyer

Design by Light Bastard Amber and Rubber Rep

Featuring Kris Olson, Cole Wimpee, Susie Williams, Anthony Megie, and Frank Benge

July 3-18, 2005 at The Vortex (co-producer)

Austin Critics Table Awards
Outstanding Director of a Musical
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Musical: Cole Wimpee

Austin Critics Table Nominations
Outsanding Production of Music Theater
Outstanding Featured Actress in Music Theater: Kristine Olson
Outstanding Featured Actor in Music Theater: Frank Benge

Rubber Repertory prevail as brave soldiers in surreal and symbolic theatre.
-Heather Barfield Cole, The Austin Chronicle

Rubber Repertory Theatre reduces life's mysteries down to essences - the plumbing of the human body, the infantile feelings that never evaporate - in its unsettling Holes Before Bedtime.
-Michael Barnes, Out and About

A work of complexity, perversion, and give-the-audience-a-show intent.
-Wayne Alan Brenner, The Austin Chronicle

Holes Before Bedtime isn't presented as a linear narrative so much as a series of spasmodic vignettes.  It takes place in a womb, peopled with depraved characters who converse in short, incomprehensible phrases that sound as though written by an infant on an acid trip with the liberal aid of a Webster's Dictionary.
-Allen Chen, Austinist

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