Directed by Josh Meyer and Matt Hislope
Lighting Design by Steven Shirey
Costume Design by the company
Featuring Eva Claycomb, Arthur Simone, Sophie Rickets, Jacob Trussell, Susan Peterson, Anna Marcella McConnell, Paul Szent-MIklosy, Jen Brown, Steven Fitzpatrick, and Jay Byrd
April 5-21, 2012 at The Off Center
Austin Critics Table Award
Outstanding Ensemble Performance
Austin Critics Table Nominations
Outstanding Movement
Outstanding Theatrical Event
Outstanding Lighting Design: Steven Shirey
Jubilee seems to work to remind us that, though we might swath ourselves in gingham and pleats and take first prize at the church fashion show, we are all just bodies designed to move closer to another...a commendable night of theater, as sporty as it is sexy and as razor-sharp at it is wild.
-Elena Passarello, Austinist
It's a very specific skill, figuring out precisely what it'll take to make seemingly any group of people deeply uncomfortable. It also seems to be one of the crucial parts of what makes Rubber Repertory's work so transformative and life-altering for those who participate.
-Dan Solomon, The Austin Chronicle
I spent most of "Jubilee" wondering what in the world I was supposed to say or think about it. What was I to make of the human pyramid singing "Babes in Arms," the mutant monster fashion show, the anti-communist U.S. army chant, the lines from Georg Buchner's "Danton's Death" shouted at the audience, and the fact that the waifish cast spends most of the performance in their underwear?
-Cate Blouke, Austin -American Statesman
Click here to see live drawings of the performance by Ray Ray Mitrano